8 Yorum

Fast Facts about Alopecia

What is Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia areata is a disease that the hair follicles are effected. In most cases, hair falls into small, round patches about the size of a quarter. Many people with the disease get only a few bare patches. Some people may lose more hair. In rare cases, the disease causes total loss of hair on the head or complete loss of hair on the head, face and body.

Who gets alopecia areata?
Anyone can have alopecia areata. It often begins in childhood. There is a slightly increased risk of developing the disease if you have a close family member with the disease.
What causes alopecia areata?
The cause is not known. Scientists believe that a person’s genes play a role. For people whose genes put them at the risk for the disease, a type of trigger begins the attack on the hair follicle. The triggers can be around the person, a virus or something.



How is Alopecia Areata Treated?
ArganRain treatment definitely helps stop alopecia areata and help strengthen your hair follicles and regrowth will be occurred. Because our products contain rich vitamin level E. If you have hair follicles, you can get the best results. In alopecia hair can grow back normally when the source of the symptoms are removed. But there are some things you can do to help the process along. ARGANRain herbal shampoo has a unique Sulfate, Silicone, alcohol, salt and dye-free formulation. All dermatological, allergens and microbiological analysis of the product was done by the internationally certified laboratory. It is 100% safe, with no side effects. If you have a sensitive scalp and hair loss like alopecia, you should use sulfate-free, fragrance-free and alcohol-free shampoos for no harm.

ARGANRain Anti Hair Loss Shampoo 57.png

11 Yorum

Get Rid Of Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss, which develops in most men at some point. The condition is also named as androgenetic alopecia. It usually takes 15-25 years to go bald. Some men go bald but in less than five years.

One reason of male pattern baldness is genetic, or with a family history of hair loss. Research has reported that hair loss is associated with male sex hormones called androgens. Androgens have many functions, involving regulation of hair growth.

Every hair on his head has a growth cycle. With male pattern baldness, this growth cycle starts to weaken and the hair follicle wanes, generating shorter and finer hair strands. Ultimately, the growth cycle of each hair ends and no new hair will grow in its place.

If your hair loss starts at the temples or the crown of the head, you may have male pattern baldness. Some men will get a single bald spot. Others live their hairlines receding to form an “M” shape. In some men, the hairline will progress to recede until all or most of the hair is gone.

ARGANRain Anti Hair Loss Shampoo 57

Do not wait until all your hair is gone, take care of your hair with ArganRain Products. ArganRain Products is made to look your hair well. With its pure ingredient, it present all the aspects of life, ArganRain is the rain of argan to your hair, nourishing it from root to end. Use it safely.



5 Yorum

Important Clues for Healthier Scalp


From our 50 plus years of trichological expertise we know that both hair and scalp matters when it comes to achieving beautiful looking locks. In fact, Philip Kingsley was the first to recognise the importance of scalp health in hair care! Below are our top tips to to get your scalp in top shape.

We have all skilled a bad hair morning. A bad hair day can ruin any lady’s day. The hair, as they say,  is your own crowning beauty. How your hair looks can make or break your day. Hair straighteners are each girl’s salvation, specially during bad hair days. In addition to getting rid of the frizz, it makes the hair look sleek and faultless.

Brush Gently

Be gentle on your scalp when brushing your hair. You can scratch your scalp, cause hair breakage and even inflammation and bleeding in extreme cases. Choose a brush with prounded progs – and avoid metal combs and spikes, which can do the most damage.


Hair Straighteners

Yes, we’ve all heard how damaging hair straighteners can be for you hair. But have you considered your scalp? Straighteners put too close to your scalp can burn the delicate tissue and even cause infection and scarring. Be careful!


Style Right

Too-tight ponytails and braids can cause a sore scalp and snap your precious strands like rubber bands. Over time, this stress to your scalp can permanently damage your hair follicles and cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. Reserve high-traction styles for special occasions – in the interim, embrace the loose updos seen on the LFW catwalks.


Don’t Ignore Dandruff

Dandruff can be very uncomfortable and is known to worsen hair shedding in certain people. If you notice flaking/itching of the scalp, invest in a good flacky/itchy shampoo.


 Carry out the straightening just on dry hair

Hair is more vulnerable when it is soaked. Never utilize straightening iron right after a baby shower. Dry your locks initial before by using a hair iron.  Remember to in no way sacrifice your hair’s health regarding beauty.



It’s a smart choice that hair straightening can really harm your hair. If you need to keep your tresses healthy in spite of all the style, make sure to commit on hair conditioners and serums to give back your current hair’s lost moisture. Keep your hair healthy and beautiful through following these kinds of simple ideas. Keep in mind that stunning hair starts through within. Keep your hair healthy and also you wouldn’t have to worry about bad hair days.


Frequent Shampooing

A clean scalp encourages healthy hair growth. Think your body gets dirty after a day? Imagine what your hair and scalp contend with… hands, sweat, the back of bus and tube seats, dirty coat/jacket and scarf fabric, and environmental pollution. Do you need help choosing the right shampoo for your hair texture? Arganrain is the best one.

ARGANRain Anti Hair Loss Shampoo 4

2 Yorum >


From our 50 plus years of trichological expertise we know that both hair and scalp matters when it comes to achieving beautiful looking locks. In fact, Philip Kingsley was the first to recognise the importance of scalp health in hair care! Below are our top tips to to get your scalp in top shape.

We have all skilled a bad hair morning. A bad hair day can ruin any lady’s day. The hair, as they say,  is your own crowning beauty. How your hair looks can make or break your day. Hair straighteners are each girl’s salvation, specially during bad hair days. In addition to getting rid of the frizz, it makes the hair look sleek and faultless.

Brush Gently

Be gentle on your scalp when brushing your hair. You can scratch your scalp, cause hair breakage and even inflammation and bleeding in extreme cases. Choose a brush with prounded progs – and avoid metal combs and spikes, which can do the most damage.


Hair Straighteners

Yes, we’ve all heard how damaging hair straighteners can be for you hair. But have you considered your scalp? Straighteners put too close to your scalp can burn the delicate tissue and even cause infection and scarring. Be careful!


Style Right

Too-tight ponytails and braids can cause a sore scalp and snap your precious strands like rubber bands. Over time, this stress to your scalp can permanently damage your hair follicles and cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. Reserve high-traction styles for special occasions – in the interim, embrace the loose updos seen on the LFW catwalks.


Don’t Ignore Dandruff

Dandruff can be very uncomfortable and is known to worsen hair shedding in certain people. If you notice flaking/itching of the scalp, invest in a good flacky/ıtchy shampoo.

Carry out the straightening just on dry hair

Hair is more vulnerable when it is soaked. Never utilize straightening iron right after a baby shower. Dry your locks initial before by using a hair iron.  Remember to in no way sacrifice your hair’s health regarding beauty.


It’s a smart choice that hair straightening can really harm your hair. If you need to keep your tresses healthy in spite of all the style, make sure to commit on hair conditioners and serums to give back your current hair’s lost moisture. Keep your hair healthy and beautiful through following these kinds of simple ideas. Keep in mind that stunning hair starts through within. Keep your hair healthy and also you wouldn’t have to worry about bad hair days.


Frequent Shampooing

A clean scalp encourages healthy hair growth. Think your body gets dirty after a day? Imagine what your hair and scalp contend with… hands, sweat, the back of bus and tube seats, dirty coat/jacket and scarf fabric, and environmental pollution. Need help choosing the right shampoo for your hair texture?


2 Yorum



ImageIt is normal to lose between 50-100 hairs a day, this is part of the hair renewal process. However most people suffer from excessive hair loss at one time in their life. There are many reasons for this including medication, radiation, chemotherapy, exposure to chemicals, hormonal and nutritional factors, thyroid disease, generalized or local skin disease, and stress.

Many of these causes are temporary and a few are permanent. These are some of the more common reason for hair loss.

4 Types of Hair Loss

1. Sudden Hair Loss


2. Steady Hair Loss

Hair follicles demand a steady infusion of nutrients to sustain rapid growth. If you’re shedding more than usual for 2 or 3 months straight, look at your diet: Too little iron, biotin, or zinc can send hair into starvation mode. To restore those nutrients, eat more broccoli, spinach, and eggs. Also, pop a daily multivitamin, such as Centrum.


3. A Round, Smooth Patch

A silver-dollar-size bare spot signals alopecia areata. The catalyst is still unknown, but stress and genetics are likely culprits, says Kevin McElwee, Ph.D., an assistant professor of dermatology at the University of British Columbia. See a dermatologist for corticosteroid injections to ease the inflammation causing your hair to hibernate.


4. A Round, Scaly Patch

You probably have tinea capitis, a fungal infection. (Think athlete’s foot of the head.) Your body battles back with a wave of white blood cells that harm hair follicles. Try an over-the-counter antifungal shampoo, such as Nizoral. If that doesn’t work, ask for a prescription antifungal medication, such as Lamisil.




what is scalp fungal infection?

The fungus Microsporum gypseum can also sometimes cause tinea capitis. Thisarganrain fungus is common in soil and may be transferred to humans by contact with infected animals. You can also get ringworm from pets that carry the fungus, and cats in particular are common carriers. Ringworm is contagious. It can be passed from one person to the next by direct skin-to-skin contact. You can also catch ringworm through contact with contaminated items such as combs, unwashed clothing, and shower or pool surfaces.

Treatment for ringworm varies depending on the particular fungus involved. Some types of ringworm infection will go away spontaneously and no treatment is given. However, most commonly, griseofulvin, an anti-fungal, is used. Griseofulvin is very effective against fungi in hair and skin but it is not so good at treating yeast or bacterial infections. The drug gradually accumulates in the skin and hair. It especially likes to bind with keratin, which is a key component of hair, skin, and nails, and blocks the fungus from infecting the keratin.

More recently, some fungi that cause tinea capitis show some resistance to the drug,
which means higher doses and longer courses of treatment. As an alternative to griseofulvin, newer anti-fungal drugs like terbinafine, itraconazole, and fluconazole can be prescribed.

Start oiling your hair with olive oil or argan oil, it’s good for scalp problems and nourishes your hair and stop hair falling problems too. I would suggest you ARGANRain professional hair care product from 
You shouldn’t be sitting and asking around about your fungal infection. Get it treated immediately. Call an expert. You’ll be ok.

2 Yorum

12 Natural Remedies that Boost Hair Growth


Hair loss affects both men and women.  While genetics plays a role, there are other factors, including:  hormonal imbalances, an underactive thyroid gland, nutrient deficiencies and insufficient scalp circulation.  Here are 12 natural remedies that can help boost hair growth:

Add the herb Arganrain Oil : A study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine reported thatargan oil  may increase hair growth in men.  Hair growth improved in men taking 400 mg of a standardized extract of argan oil  and 100 mg of beta-sitosterol (from argan oil ) daily.  Historically,arganrain oil  has been used by herbalists for hair loss in both men and women.


Address a possible underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) which can cause thinning hair:  Add sea vegetables like kelp, nori, dulse, kombu and wakame, all of which are rich in iodine may be helpful to balance this condition.  Avoid drinking tap water since it typically contains fluorine and chlorine, two chemicals that inhibit iodine absorption.  You may also want to supplement with 100 mg or 1 mL of the herb bladderwrack (focus vesiculosus) daily.  Work with a qualified holistic health care professional if you suspect a sluggish thyroid gland.

Get enough essential fatty acids:  Essential fatty acids from walnuts, flaxseeds, fish and avocado are also important for healthy hair.

Boost arganrain: Arganrain encourages hair and scalp health.  Dietary sources of arganrain include: nuts, brown rice and oats.


Boost keratin production with MSM: Methylsulfonylmethane aids in the production of keratin (a protein in the hair) while doing double-duty to strengthen hair follicles.  In one study 100 percent of people who supplemented with MSM showed reduced hair loss and increased growth in only six weeks.

Rejuvenate hair follicles with B-complex vitamins: 100 mg daily of a B-complex supplement that includes biotin and vitamin B6 can reduce hair thinning by increasing scalp circulation and rejuvenating hair follicles.

Rev up collagen production with vitamin C: Collagen surrounds the hair strands but as we age collagen breaks down, causing hair to be more vulnerable to breaking.  The best way to boost collagen is not through some expensive medical procedure, it’s by getting more vitamin C.  Foods high in vitamin C include: citrus fruits, strawberries and red peppers.  Supplementing with 250 mg daily can help boost collagen production which has the added bonus of reducing wrinkling.


Prevent breakage with vitamin E: Vitamin E is required to nourish damaged hair and to prevent breakage.  It aids the body’s ability to manufacture keratin within hair strands to reduce breakage.  Supplementing with 400 IU of vitamin E can be helpful to restore locks.

Eat foods rich in iron: Iron is also essential for hair growth and can be found in blackstrap molasses, green leafy vegetables, leeks, cashews, dried fruits, figs, and berries.  To help your body absorb iron, you’ll need enough vitamin C.


Give your hair a mineral boost: The minerals silica and zinc are also critical for hair growth.  Take 500 mg of silica two times daily and 30 mg of zinc once daily.

Boost scalp circulation with rosemary essential oil: Rosemary essential oil has been traditionally used to increase circulation to the scalp. Add a few drops per dollop of shampoo or, better yet, add a few drops of rosemary to coconut oil and massage your scalp regularly.


2 Yorum

Foods That Prevent Hair Loss


Everyone loses hair each day, so there’s no need to freak out every time a few follicles trickle out. Hair is continuously growing, but, in turn, some strands reach their “old-age” and come out. Genetics, however, means some guys have fewer strands growing in to replace them. By the age of 35, two-thirds of American men will experience some level of hair loss, according to the American Hair Loss Association. But have no fear—nutritional deficiencies can contribute to increased hair loss by weakening hair shafts that cause breakage and slow re-growth of new hairs. This can potentially be reversed with the right diet. Len Glassman, a certified health nutritionist, trainer and owner of the Personal Best Training Center, offers up the necessary nutrients that will keep the hairs on your head there longer.

An adequate intake of vitamin A is key to helping promote the growth and health of cells and tissues throughout the body, including the hair and scalp. Vitamin A gets delivered to our bodies in two ways: from plant and animal sources. Hair healthy plant sources include red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables like carrots as well as some dark green leafy vegetables. Some heavy-hitter animal sources for vitamin A include liver, fish oil, eggs and fortified milk.
All three of these B vitamins are essential to the normal formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues in the body, including the hair. Healthy and strong hair relies on a constant supply of blood and oxygen. A deficiency of these B vitamins is like cutting off the blood supply to your hair, leading to increased hair loss, damaged hair and slow re-growth. Best sources of vitamin B6 and B12 are protein-rich foods like meat, chicken, fish, eggs, pork and soybeans. Your best bet for sources of folic acid are leafy vegetables, orange juice, avocado, beets, broccoli, wheat germ and some fortified cereals.


Vitamin C is essential to producing collagen, a connective tissue that gives structure by holding tissues in the body together, such as the tissue in hair. The human body is not able to store vitamin C for long periods of time, so don’t try to load up on it in an effort to make up for lost time; instead, make sure you eat plenty of foods containing vitamin C every day. The best sources of vitamin C are found in plant sources like oranges, berries, melons, peppers, dark green leafy vegetables and tomatoes.
Dandruff and hair loss are both conditions associated with a zinc deficiency. Zinc is a mineral that promotes cell reproduction, tissue growth and repair. Zinc also functions in the maintenance of the oil-secreting glands attached to our hair follicles. Good sources of zinc include foods of animal origin, including seafood, poultry, mussels, shrimp and oysters. Eggs and milk also supply zinc but in smaller amounts. Whole-grain products, nuts, seeds and legumes contain zinc, but in a form that is less absorbable by the body.
Hair is primarily made of protein, so it makes sense to eat protein-rich foods if you’re trying to maintain healthy growth. Without adequate protein intake, the body cannot efficiently make new hair to replace the hair that has shed. However, eating a steak every day isn’t going to help you. High-fat diets result in increased testosterone levels, which have been linked to hair loss—so steaks are not among the foods that prevent hair loss. Stick to leaner proteins such as fish (which has a myriad of health benefits beyond just maintaining your hair), chicken, soy products, low-fat cheese, eggs, almonds, beans and yogurt.
Proper hydration is a key factor in healthy hair and in promoting good health. Every cell and every system in the body uses water to function properly, so don’t just wash your hair in it, drink lots of it. Other conditions that may contribute to poor nutrition and cause hair loss as a side effect include eating disorders such as anorexia. Anorexia can cause severe malnutrition and cause a high proportion of hair follicles to stop their growth cycle. Rapid weight loss is another reason for accelerated hair loss. Dropping weight too quickly and/or participating in a fad diet that is not nutritionally sound can cause imbalances in the body and result in increased hair loss.
Our daily diet holds the key to the health of your hair. Every day we can make it a priority to choose the best kinds of foods for healthy, long-lasting hair, a healthy scalp and the growth of new strong hair. So the next time your stomach growls, reach for more “hair-raising,” and vitamin packed foods to keep those follicles happy.

How can i stop or cure or regrowth thinning of hair?

Regardless of hair transplant and taking up supplements, what are some other way i can cure it.


Hi There,

Hair re-growth without a transplantation surgery is possible but likely. Or rather, it’s more difficult to do effectively. Aside from restoration surgery your best options to regrow lost hair are ” ARGANRain ” and pure arganrain argan oil. ARGANRain is proven to prevent your hair from falling out and pure argan oilis proven to prevent hair from falling out and in some cases – regrow lost hair.


5 Yorum

Benefits of Argan Oil

The benefits of Argan oil are numerous and immense to our health. Argan oil is a myriad of natural wonders with marvelous effects on skin and hair.


A wealth of highly nourishing and soothing components:

Vitamin E: or Alpha Tocopherol is powerful in fighting free radicals and making our skin more resistant to their damaging effects.

Free radicals can cause significant damage to important cellular components such as DNA and cell membranes prompting our cells to perform inadequately or even die.

Vitamin F: is made of two essential fatty acids: Linolenic acid (Omega 3) and Linoleic acid (Omega 6).

Used to repair and create tissue in the body, Vitamin F helps with skin and hair growth. Deficiency in Vitamin F causes skin disorders such as: acne, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin.

Essential fatty acids, along with anti-oxidants help rebuild hydrolipidic filmskin’s and hair’s natural protective barrier against dryness and environmental factors. Skin regains its elasticity, remains young and healthy, and hair recovers its luster and vitality.

Phenols: Found only in some essential oils these powerful anti-oxidants with antiseptic and antibacterial properties are used as disinfectants. Phenols are great stimulants for our nerves and for our immune system.

Squalene: is an organic compound mainly found in vegetable oils. An essential Triterpene important for the synthesis of vitamin D, steroid hormones, and cholesterol, Squalene is suggested to prevent cancer.

Squalene is used in modern vaccines to stimulate our immune system and improve our response to vaccines.

Sterols (Spinasterol and Schottenol): Sterols are natural alcohols present in oils. They improve cutaneous circulation, slow skin aging and protect against UV.


Skin Fungus Before and After Treatment with Argan Oil

Benefits of Argan oil for skin

  • Diminishes wrinkles & fine lines
  • Increases skin’s elasticity
  • Clarifies uneven tone
  • Non-irritating to sensitive skin
  • Gentle enough for babies’ delicate skin
  • Moisturizes skin intensely
  • Non comedogenic, does not clog pores
  • Balances over-production of Sebum in oily skin
  • Balances under-production of Sebum is dry skin
  • Diminishes dark circles under the eyes
  • Calms skin and scalp irritation and itching
  • Sooths chapped lips and cracked heels
  • Reduces scars and stretch marks
  • Heals skin conditions such as: acne, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, angular cheilitis, and keratosis pilaris
  • Fights damage from free-radicals
  • Protects against environmental pollutants
  • Does not contain any harsh chemicals, additives, or perfumes


Benefits of Argan oil for hair

  • Rebuilds hair’s hydrolipidic natural film often damaged by coloring, heat-styling, and UV
  • Restores moisture and strength
  • Repairs brittle hair
  • Adds shine & softness
  • Tames frizz
  • Helps prevent the formation of split ends
  • Stimulates hair growth
  • Helps heal scalp conditions; such as seborrhea, dandruff, psoriasis, dermatitis, itchy scalp, and oily scalp
  • Protect hair from the damaging effects of styling tools and chemical treatments
  • Makes it easy to detangle and comb unmanageable hair

Benefits of Argan oil for hands and nails

  • Softens hands & cuticles
  • Repairs damaged brittle nails
  • Reinforces weak nails decreasing nail breakage

6 Yorum

Types Of Hair Loss

ImageThere are many types of hair loss with different symptoms and causes. Some of the more common types of hair loss are described below.

Male and Female Pattern Baldness

Male-pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss. As well as affecting men, it can sometimes affect women (female-pattern baldness). It can be particularly difficult for both men and women to cope with.
Male-pattern baldness follows a pattern of a receding hairline, followed by thinning of the hair on the crown and temples. During female-pattern baldness, hair usually only thins on top of the head.
Male- and female-pattern baldness is also called androgenic or androgenetic alopecia. Male-pattern baldness is a condition that runs in families, but it is not clear if this is the case with female-pattern baldness.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is patches of baldness that may come and go. It can occur at any age, but mostly affects teenagers and young adults. Six out of 10 people affected develop their first bald patch before they are 20 years old.
Alopecia areata is thought to be caused by a problem with the immune system (the body’s natural defence against infection and illness). It is also believed that some people’s genes make them more susceptible to alopecia areata, as one in five people with the condition have a family history of the condition. In many cases the hair grows back after about a year.

Scarring Alopecia

Scarring alopecia, also known as cicatricial alopecia, is hair loss that can occur as a result of complications from another condition. In this type of alopecia, the hair follicle (the small hole in your skin that an individual hair grows out of) is completely destroyed. This means your hair will not grow back.
Conditions that can cause scarring alopecia include lichen planus (an itchy rash affecting many areas of the body) and discoid lupus (a mild form of lupus affecting the skin, causing scaly marks and hair loss).
Anagen Effluvium
Anagen effluvium is widespread hair loss that can affect your scalp, face and body. One of the most common causes of this type of hair loss is the cancer treatmentchemotherapy.
It may be possible to reduce hair loss from chemotherapy by wearing a special cap that keeps the scalp cool. However, scalp cooling is not always effective and not widely available.
In most cases, hair loss in anagen effluvium is temporary. Your hair should start to grow back a few months after chemotherapy has stopped.

Telogen effluvium

Telogen effluvium is a common type of alopecia where there is widespread thinning of the hair, rather than specific bald patches. Hair is shed from the scalp, usually as a reaction to stress or medication. This type of hair loss tends to improve without treatment after a few months.
Read more about the symptoms of hair loss and the causes of hair loss.

How is Hair Loss Treated?

More common types of hair loss, such as male-pattern baldness, do not need treatment because they are a natural part of ageing and do not pose a risk to your health.
However, any type of hair loss can be distressing, so you should see your GP if you are worried about it.
Your GP should be able to diagnose your type of hair loss by examining your hair, and they can also discuss possible treatments with you. It is advisable to visit your GP before you try a private consultant dermatologist (skin care specialist).
If you wish to seek treatment for male-pattern baldness for cosmetic reasons, two medications called finasteride and minoxidil can be used.Arganrain can also be used to treat female-pattern baldness.
However, these treatments are not effective for everyone and only work for as long as they are continued. These treatments are also not available on the NHS and can be expensive.
Alopecia areata is usually treated with steroid injections, although it is sometimes possible to use a steroid cream, gel or ointment. A treatment called immunotherapy may also be used. This involves stimulating hair growth by causing an intentional allergic reaction in the affected areas of skin.
If you have significant hair loss of any type, you may decide to wear a wig. Wigs are available on the NHS, but you may have to pay for one unless you qualify for help with charges.
There are also some surgical options for hair loss, including a hair transplant and artificial hair implants.

Emotional Issues

Hair loss can be difficult to come to terms with.

 The hair on your head can be a defining part of your identity. It reflects the image

If you start to lose your hair, it can feel as if you are losing part of your identity. This can affect your self-confidence and sometimes lead to depression.age you have of yourself and how you want others to see you.
Speak to your GP if you are finding it difficult to deal with your hair loss. They may suggest counselling, which is a type of talking therapy where you can discuss your issues with a trained therapist.
You may benefit from joining a support group or speaking to other people in the same situation – for example, through online forums.
A number of charities, such as Alopecia UK, have support groups and online forums where you can talk to others who are experiencing hair loss.

2 Yorum


Who experiences hair loss?Image

Millions of people experience hair loss. Some people see their hair re-grow without doing anything. Others need treatment for their hair to re-grow. Sometimes, hair will not re-grow.

To find out what is possible, you should see a dermatologist. These doctors specialize in treating diseases that affect the skin, hair, and nails.


The reasons for hair loss are many. When hair loss begins suddenly, the cause may be due to illness, diet, medicine, or childbirth. If hair loss is gradual and becomes more noticeable with each passing year, a person may have hereditary hair loss. Certain hair care practices also can cause noticeable hair loss.

The following describes some of the many things that cause hair loss: Hair disorders

  • Hereditary thinning or baldness (also called androgenetic alopecia): This is the most common cause of hair loss. It affects men and women. About 80 million people in the United States have hereditary thinning or baldness.When men have hereditary hair loss, they often get a receding hairline. Many men see bald patches, especially on the top of the head. Women, on the other hand, tend to keep their hairline. They see noticeably thinning hair. The first sign of hair loss for many women is a widening part. In rare cases, men see noticeably thinning hair. And in rare cases, women can see a receding hairline or bald patches. The reasons for this are unknown.
  • Alopecia areata: Researchers believe that this is an autoimmune disease.00cc521e336ba0915684b6711dd059b2 kopyalaAutoimmune means the body attacks itself. In this case, the body attacks its own hair. This causes smooth, round patches of hair loss on the scalp and other areas of the body. People with alopecia areata are often in excellent health. Most people see their hair re-grow. Dermatologists treat people with this disorder to help the hair re-grow more quickly.
  • Cicatricial (scarring) alopecia: This rare disease develops in otherwise healthy people. The disease destroys a person’s hair follicles. Scar tissue forms where the follicles once were, so the hair cannot re-grow. Treatment tries to stop the inflammation, which destroys the hair follicles.
  • Central centrifugal cicatricial (scarring) alopecia: This type of hair loss occurs most often in women of African descent. It begins in the center of the scalp. As it progresses, the hair loss radiates out from the center of the scalp. The affected scalp becomes smooth and shiny. The hair loss can be very slow or rapid. When hair loss occurs quickly, the person may have tingling, burning, pain, or itching on the scalp. Treatment may help the hair re-grow if scarring has not occurred.

    • Underlying medical condition: Hair loss can be the first sign of a disease. About 30 diseases, including thyroid disease and anemia, cause hair loss. By treating the disease, hair loss often can be stopped or reversed.
    • Illness: Significant hair loss can occur after an illness. A major surgery, high fever, severe infection, or even the flu can cause hair loss. Your dermatologist may call this type of hair loss telogen (tee-lə-jen) effluvium (ih-flu-vee-uhm).
    • Some cancer treatments: Radiation therapy and chemotherapy can cause hair loss. This hair loss is often temporary, but it can cause great distress.
    • Ringworm of the scalp: This disease is contagious and common in children. Without effective treatment, ringworm can cause balding.
    • Trichotillomania (trick-uh-til-uh-mey-knee-uh): This medical disorder causes people to repeatedly pull out their own hair. They often feel a constant urge to pull out the hair on the scalp. Some sufferers say they feel compelled to pull out their eyelashes, nose hairs, eyebrows, and other hairs on their bodies.

    Hormones and stress

    • Giving birth: After giving birth, some women have noticeable hair loss. Falling estrogen levels cause this type of hair loss. The hair loss is temporary. In a few months, women see their hair re-grow.
    • Menopause: Hair loss is common during menopause. This loss is often temporary. Hair re-grows with time. If a woman is 40 years of age or older, she should not expect her hair to have the fullness that it did when she was younger.
    • Stress: Experiencing a traumatic event (e.g., death of a loved one or divorce) can cause hair loss.

Dieting and poor nutrition

  • Weight loss: Some people see hair loss after losing more than 15 pounds. The
    0ecba55347f8c19d73a160ed2af45047 hair loss often appears 3 to 6 months after losing the weight. This hair loss is common. The hair re-grows without help.
  • Vitamin A: Too much vitamin A can cause hair loss. People can get too much of this vitamin through vitamin supplements or medicines. Once the body stops getting too much vitamin A, normal hair growth resumes.
  • Protein: When the body does not get enough protein, it rations the protein it does get. One way the body can ration protein is to shut down hair growth. About 2 to 3 months after a person does not eat enough protein, you can see the hair loss. Eating more protein will stop the hair loss. Meats, eggs, and fish are good sources of protein. Vegetarians can get more protein by adding nuts, seeds, and beans to their diet.
  • Iron: Not getting enough iron can lead to hair loss. Good vegetarian sources of iron are iron-fortified cereals, soybeans, pumpkin seeds, white beans, lentils, and spinach. Clams, oysters, and organ meats top the list of good animal sources of iron.
  • Eating disorder: When a person has an eating disorder, hair loss is common. Anorexia (not eating enough) and bulimia (vomiting after eating) can cause hair loss.


Some prescription medicines can cause hair loss. These include:

  • Blood thinners.
  • High-dose vitamin A.
  • Medicines that treat arthritis, depression, gout, heart problems, and high blood pressure.
  • Birth control pills: Some women who take the pill see hair loss. Sometimes, the hair loss begins when a women stops taking the pill. Women who get this hair loss often have hereditary hair loss.
  • Anabolic steroids (steroids taken to build muscle and improve athletic performance) may cause hair loss.


Your hairstyle and even some of the products you use on your hair can cause hair loss.

  • Products: Frequent bleaching or permanents can cause the hair to break. Regular or improper use of dyes, gels, relaxers, and hair sprays also can cause hair breakage. Dermatologists recommend limiting use of these hair products. Less use often means less hair breakage.
  • Blow dryers, flat irons, and other devices: Frequent use of a blow dryer tends to damage hair. The high heat from a blow dryer can boil the water in the hair shaft leaving the hair brittle and prone to breakage. Dermatologists recommend that you allow your hair to air dry. Then style your hair when it is dry. Dermatologists also recommend limiting the use of flat irons (these straighten hair by using high heat) and curling irons.
  • Hairpins, clips, and rubber bands: When used to hold hair tightly, hairpins, clips, and rubber bands can break hair. Here are dermatologists’ tips for choosing these:
    • Hairpins: Use hairpins that have a smooth, ball-tipped surface.
    • Hair clips: These should have spongy rubber padding where they touch the hair.
    • Rubber bands: Try scrunchies made of fabric instead. Rubber bands often cause the hair to break. Scrunchies should fit loosely. To prevent hair loss, you should wear them in different areas of the scalp. This can prevent lots of hair breakage in one area.arganrain night

Years of wearing hair in a style that pulls on the hair such as a ponytail, cornrows, or braids can cause a type of hair loss known as traction alopecia.

Improper washing, drying, and combing
The following practices often cause the hair to break:

  • Too much shampooing, combing, or brushing (100 strokes or more a day).
  • Rubbing wet hair dry with a towel.
  • Brushing or combing wet hair (especially people who are Asian or Caucasian).

For many people, hair is more elastic when wet. This means it breaks off more easily than dry hair. When hair breakage occurs, the hair appears shaggy or too thin. For people who are of African descent, their hair is not more elastic when wet.