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From our 50 plus years of trichological expertise we know that both hair and scalp matters when it comes to achieving beautiful looking locks. In fact, Philip Kingsley was the first to recognise the importance of scalp health in hair care! Below are our top tips to to get your scalp in top shape.

We have all skilled a bad hair morning. A bad hair day can ruin any lady’s day. The hair, as they say,  is your own crowning beauty. How your hair looks can make or break your day. Hair straighteners are each girl’s salvation, specially during bad hair days. In addition to getting rid of the frizz, it makes the hair look sleek and faultless.

Brush Gently

Be gentle on your scalp when brushing your hair. You can scratch your scalp, cause hair breakage and even inflammation and bleeding in extreme cases. Choose a brush with prounded progs – and avoid metal combs and spikes, which can do the most damage.


Hair Straighteners

Yes, we’ve all heard how damaging hair straighteners can be for you hair. But have you considered your scalp? Straighteners put too close to your scalp can burn the delicate tissue and even cause infection and scarring. Be careful!


Style Right

Too-tight ponytails and braids can cause a sore scalp and snap your precious strands like rubber bands. Over time, this stress to your scalp can permanently damage your hair follicles and cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. Reserve high-traction styles for special occasions – in the interim, embrace the loose updos seen on the LFW catwalks.


Don’t Ignore Dandruff

Dandruff can be very uncomfortable and is known to worsen hair shedding in certain people. If you notice flaking/itching of the scalp, invest in a good flacky/ıtchy shampoo.

Carry out the straightening just on dry hair

Hair is more vulnerable when it is soaked. Never utilize straightening iron right after a baby shower. Dry your locks initial before by using a hair iron.  Remember to in no way sacrifice your hair’s health regarding beauty.


It’s a smart choice that hair straightening can really harm your hair. If you need to keep your tresses healthy in spite of all the style, make sure to commit on hair conditioners and serums to give back your current hair’s lost moisture. Keep your hair healthy and beautiful through following these kinds of simple ideas. Keep in mind that stunning hair starts through within. Keep your hair healthy and also you wouldn’t have to worry about bad hair days.


Frequent Shampooing

A clean scalp encourages healthy hair growth. Think your body gets dirty after a day? Imagine what your hair and scalp contend with… hands, sweat, the back of bus and tube seats, dirty coat/jacket and scarf fabric, and environmental pollution. Need help choosing the right shampoo for your hair texture?


2 Yorum


If your hair is dull, frayed, or damaged from the use of dyes and chemicals, you can start right now to get healthier hair. Using healthy washing and styling habits, avoiding harsh hair treatments, and eating a nourishing diet will have your hair looking healthy again in no time.

Method 1 of 3: Using Healthy Washing and Styling Habits


Change your washing routine. Do you wash your hair every single day? This can really dry it out, since you’re washing away the oils your scalp produces to keep your hair shiny and healthy. Washing every day can also lead to oily hair, since stripping your hair of its oils causes your oil glands to go into overdrive. Try this routine instead:
  • Wash your hair just three or four times a week. Giving your hair a break in between washings will restore its balance. It might be a little oily for the first week or so, but your hair will soon look more healthy and vibrant than ever.
  • Wash your hair with cold water. Washing with hot water is hard on your hair and can lead to split ends and frizz. Washing with cold water helps your hair shaft close, resulting in shiny, bouncy hair.


Handle your hair gently. Think of your hair like your best silk dress. After hand washing it, would you ball it up and wring it out? No, that would destroy its shape and fibers. Your hair is similarly fragile and needs to be treated with care to stay healthy.

  • After washing your hair, gently pat it dry with a towel instead of wringing it out. Let it finish air drying.
  • Use a comb instead of a brush. Forcing a brush through tangled hair can cause it to rip and break. Use a wide-toothed comb to gently work through the tangles.


Use heat styling devices sparingly. Put away your hair dryer, straightener, curling iron, and hot rollers unless you have a special occasion at hand. Applying heat to your hair can damage it, so it’s best to let your hair air dry instead.

  • If you want to use the blow dryer sometimes, use it on a cool setting.
  • When you do use heat styling devices, be sure to put a protective serum in your hair beforehand.

Method 2 of 3: Using Healthy Products and Avoiding Damaging Treatments


Use natural hair care products. Commercial hair care products promise great results, but they often contain ingredients that can dry out your hair and leave it looking limp and dull. You’ll probably notice a difference right away if you switch to products made with herbs, oils, and creams made that nourish hair.
  • Most shampoos are made with strong cleansers called sulfates that strip the natural oils from your hair and cause it to get frizzy and frayed. Choose a shampoo made with cleansing herbs and oils instead. Check out a natural foods store for options.
  • Conditioners made with aloe, coconut oil, shea butter and other pure substances add moisture to your hair and keep it looking healthy and fresh.
  • Avoid using styling products that contain a lot of chemicals with names you can barely pronounce. You can make your own hair gel and hair spray instead of using the store-bought kind.
  1. Try to stay away from dyes and other permanent treatments. The chemicals in dye, bleach, Brazilian blowouts, chemical straighteners and chemical curlers can do a lot of damage if you use them too often.


Give your hair oil treatments.. To restore your hair’s softness and shine, apply oil to your roots, shaft and especially tips a couple times a week. You can use oil in place of conditioner or after your hair is already dry. Once every few weeks, give yourself a deep conditioning treatment as follows:

  • Massage olive oil or almond oil into your hair.
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic wrap.
  • Let the oil sit in your hair for 2 hours or overnight.
  • Rinse it out with cool water until the water runs clear, then shampoo and condition as normal.
Method 3 of 3: Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Eat nutrients that nourish your hair. A well-balanced diet with plenty of protein, vitamin B, iron, and omega-3s helps your hair stay as thick and healthy as possible.

  • Vitamin B keeps hair thick and strong. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and nuts to get enough vitamin B.
  • Eat beef, chicken, pork, fish and leafy greens like kale and spinach to get iron and protein.
  • Salmon, walnuts, and avocados are excellent sources of omega-3s, which help your hair stay shiny and healthy.
  • You can supplement your diet with vitamins designed to make hair stronger. Try prenatal vitamins, which contain a mix of ingredients that lead to great hair, nails and skin.


Protect your hair from the elements. Just as you would protect your skin from sun, wind, and cold temperatures, you need to protect your hair as well. If you don’t, it will dry out and become brittle over time.
  • When the sun is strong, wear a hat or scarf over your hair to protect it from getting too fried.
  • Don’t go outside during the winter with wet hair. When your hair freezes it can get brittle and frayed.
  • You should also protect your hair from chemicals. Don’t expose your hair to chlorine too often. When you go swimming, wear a swim cap.

Get your hair trimmed often. As soon as your ends begin to split, go to the salon and get a trim. Keeping your hair trimmed will make sure the ends don’t split very far up the shaft. Your hair will be less likely to break, and it will look healthy and full of life.

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Hair loss is a very a common problem; in fact, it affects not only men but also women and children. While hair loss in men is commonly related to balding, other times, it can be a result of poor diet and lifestyle choice.The most common cause for hair loss, however,is a prolonged illness, such as typhoid or jaundice, which can result in sudden and excessive hair loss.In many cases, it could also be due to an imbalance in the hormones, for example, if your thyroid gland is not functioning properly, you may experience sudden hair loss. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also result in hair loss in some women. Apart from these, hair loss is also a side effect of certain medicines.Fungal infections of the scalp can also be a cause for hair loss.


Cycles of growth :Our hair growth is identified to be following three phases during its life, namely anagen, catagen and telogen. Anagen is the phase that lasts from two to five years and this growth phase is terminated by extreme interruption between hair shaft and nourishing papilla. This interruption lasts only for a few days and is called the Catagen Phase. The next three months the hair rests and this period of resting is called Telogen Phase. After this resting period, the hair falls and in its place a new hair growth cycle begins.


Causes of Hair Loss : The primary cause of loss of hair lies in the genes, the genetic endowment and is irreversible. There is also loss of hair due to the Chemo therapy, treatment of infection by ingesting chemicals or drugs into ones biological systems. The other supplementary factors are stress, poor diet and personal hygiene, physical illness, environmental issues like pollution etc. Lets see each one of the causes in some more detail.
Genetics :We all carry genes from our parents in equal proportion. If anyone of our ancestors has had permanent hair loss it is carried forward to our lives also and hence irreversible. This is called Patterned Baldness, more pronounced in males and hence the common Male Patterned Baldness or MPB.
MPB :This legacy that one inherits is most common in young males but also known to affect the middle aged people. Early detection is important and to date there is no known medical cure to this ailment. Good scalp cleaning and nourishing is important. Generally speaking, around twenty five percent of men under 30 years of age and sixty six percent of them over 40 years of age experience male patterned baldness. It starts the process by thinning the top of the head or the hairline and recedes further towards the crown. In some cases the loss is more pronounced around the crown.



Pregnancy and related issues :The hormonal status undergoes marked changes during pregnancy and some of these lead to growth of hair. This is due to the fact that the Anogen phase of growth is more prolonged. However, after delivery the hormonal balance is restored to its erstwhile levels and the prolonged Anogen phase is induced into Telogen phase after completion of which the hair is lost. Therefore when a woman loses large amount of hair after about three months of delivery, there is no need to panic. This loss is temporary and after a month or so it will return to normal levels, new hair follicles replacing the old ones. A similar situation is true in the cases of abortion and when under treatment with female sex hormones or with the contraceptive pills and the treatment is suddenly withdrawn.
Fever and Other General Illnesses :A typhoid patient, after passage of about three months after the fever, tends to lose excessive hair. High fever due to other causes such as dengue, viral or low fever but prolonged as in tuberculosis or recurrent as in malaria can also lead to excessive hair loss.
Emotional Stress : Emotional stress can also lead to hair loss irrespective of the factor related to the stress. The factors can be as varied as work place, exam phobia, love affair, marital discord or of losing near and dear ones – the hair is induced in to the telogen phase prematurely.
Excessive Dieting :Hair shaft is nothing but a protein called Keratin; hence diet is very important factor in the growth of hair. In order to reduce their weight, people tend to do heavy dieting and this can lead to excessive hair loss. A proper and healthy diet is very essential for healthy hairline. Hair loss due to dieting is not seen if the process of diet control is slow.
Accidents and Injuries :It is observed that some persons lose excessive hair due to accidents.
Anemia :Chronic anemia is also a cause of excessive hair loss. This anemia can be because of deficiency in iron or due to frequent loss of blood.
Drugs :It is a misnomer that use of antibiotic leads to hair loss whereas the disease itself can be a cause for hair loss for which the antibiotics have been provided. But there are certain drugs mainly used for treatment of cancer or immune system, which can lead to excessive hair loss, and hair re grows the moment the use of drug has been stopped.
Sulfate, Slicone, Alcohol, Salt and Dye Free formulation
Special Formulation with %100 Organic Argan Oil
Prevent Oily Hair
Long, healthy hair
Microbiologically, Dermatologically and  allergy-tested



Any tips for an 32-yr old male with hair loss?

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Any tips for an 32-yr old male with hair loss?

It started at age 16, I thought it was initially due to use of hair-gel, but now I don’t use gel anymore but I still have the hair-loss problem increasing on the temple of my head. Hair falls off easily sometimes while combing and after showers…. Also I sweat easily on that part of my head. Please, do you have any tips of any natural oils or supplements I may take?



The use of hair gel, as well as, showering are not reasons why you are experiencing hair loss. It could be a combination of stress, hormonal imbalance and genetics.

Don’t worry though, you are not alone, around 25% of males experience balding before the age of thirty. There are some natural remedies that you can try.

My favorite is : ARGANRain anti hair loss Shampoo
Argan-Rain is a shampoo that is specifically designed for people with thinning hair. ARGANRain does not contain harmful chemical as well.

ARGANRain hair care products have been carefully formulated to:

Reinforces the roots and improves hair structure
Adds body and life while restoring balance
Protects and maintains hair condition

ARGANRain anti hair loss Shampoo on the market designed to help stop hair loss. Developed in Europe zone for the prevention of hair loss and it has been proven

effective in independent studies . Europeans have been using ARGANRain anti hair loss Shampoo products for years with great results.

ARganrain has not only a shampoo but also oil ( ARGAN OIL) They diffuse themselves into the hair follicles and clean out each follicle and prepare the scalp for the

treatment ARGANRain to help stimulate new hair growth. The treatment oil protects against hair loss, dandruff and promotes new hair growth.


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