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Hair loss In Women Over 50

No matter how you wear it or how old you are: almost all women care about their hair. So that’s what we’re going to talk about today, because one of the problems associated with menopause is hair loss.

The hormonal deficit that accompanies menopause also affects the quality of your hair. It becomes thinner and drier, with less shine and vigor. It loses pigment and it turns gray.

It diminishes the hair in some parts of the body, like the legs or the arms, and it appears in other less pleasant zones, like in the chin, the sideburns or around the lips, because the balance between the hormones’ masculine ‘and’ feminine ‘are decompensated.

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Why does hair fall out at 50 ages?

As we usually tell you: blessed hormones. Hormonal changes are the main cause of hair loss in women, although other factors such as stress can also cause it.

There is two good news for you: although hair loss is more frequent in women, it is less noticeable because it tends not to cause baldness, as it happens to men.

The other thing is that it has a solution. If you are suffering from hair loss due to 50 ages, start using Moroccan Argan oil base shampoo in which does not contain silicone,sulfate and alcohol.

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What to do: ARGANRain Moroccan Argan Oil

Arganrain argan oil, in that it is rich in vitamin E, which is a natural oil and that with the continued use of this oil you will get a soft, flexible and strong hair, while nourished and that will also revitalize your hair and as a result, hair loss after 50 ages will be lower

ARGANRain Argan Oil Shampoo:Stop Hair Loss In 50 Years Old

arganrain shampoo for hair care

Moroccan argan oil, shampoo and conditioner set for hair loss. Sulfate-free treatment. Formulated for women – made with organic ingredients. Arganrainproducts®

Arganrain argan oil shampoo and conditioner to combat hair loss, this set combines two of our most powerful hair products to restore thinning hair during menopause.

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The shampoo is composed of argan oil with special extracts to stimulate cell renewal and regrowth the hair.

All ingredients meet the standards of 100% natural ingredients.

All Arganrain hair products do not experiment with animals.

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hair growth

How to stimulate hair growth

Hair takes time to grow. The hair grows about 1.2cm per month. Similar to a garden, hair growth is determined by the hair bottom. A good and nutrient-rich soil ensures that healthy and beautiful hair grows. However, if the body suffers from a lack of nutrients, the survival of the hair is lowered and promotes the development of hair loss.

In addition to the daily diet, well-being, general health, genetic factors and some habits like using a good shampoo/Arganrain moroccan oil shampoo is ideal for stimulating hair growth and this shampoo feeds hair follicles- have an impact on hair growth.

Healthy eating

A healthy diet is the basic requirement for healthy hair growth. Proteins are used to form keratins, copper is important for hair pigmentation, silicon for growth and firmness, and vitamin E-Arganrain oil for hair treatment is very rich in vitamin E- is used for the health of the scalp and hair follicles. The daily nutrients determine the activity of the scalp and thus determine hair growth.

Scalp massage with Arganrain Shampoo

A scalp massage applying Arganrain shampoo on the hair promotes the circulation of the scalp and thereby stimulates the hair follicles. The hair follicles are small invaginations of the skin in which the hair roots are formed.

Comb hair

Daily hair combing for 1 to 2 minutes stimulates the circulation of the scalp and spreads the natural hair oils evenly over the hair. Healthy blood circulation is very important for hair follicles to work efficiently and let new and healthy hair grow.

Argan oil

Argan oil nourishes the hair and a source of valuable essential fatty acids. It provides plenty of vitamin E, thus supplying the hair bottom and accelerating natural hair growth.We are presenting moroccan Arganrain oil that stimulates hair growth fast and natural. All you need to do is applying Arganrain oil upside down, massage well for 2-3 minutes with circular motions and allow to act for 30 to 45 minutes. Then wash the hair with Arganrain shampoo for hair growth.


Reduce stress

Stress is one of the main causes of hair loss. It disturbs the normal hair cycle, often leads to lack of sleep and thus to a disturbed release of growth hormones. Deep breathing, love words to his loved ones and sufficient sleep help reduce stress.

With the right tips

arganrian products

4 good reasons to use Arganrain Shampoo and Arganrain oil products for your hair growth

help with brittle or dry hair, hair splitting and stimulate hair growth .

without chemical additives(Arganrain shampoo) – but 100% organic(Arganrain oil) and rich in nutrients.

Free from animal testing, because we take animal welfare seriously!

In addition to hair care, our cosmetic oil can also be used ideally for skin care.

For the best possible care result we also recommend the use of our Arganrain argan oil shampoo, 100% vegan and silicone free!

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arganrain products christmas offer

Digging the best hair and skin care Christmas presents can be stressful at this time , so we ARGANRain  thought we would make it easier for you. Whether you’re looking for a  Secret Santa Present for your friend, a Stocking Filler for the little one or a Christmas gift for loved ones, ARGANRain products have a great of Xmas gift for him and her





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Hair Care Basics

large Health

Hair grows an average of one-half inch per month. Some people get more, some get less people. The only way you grow hair faster (or thicker) is to make sure you eat well, stay hydrated, and getting enough circulation. If we are not healthy, hair, skin and nails tend to show the signals first. A healthy scalp in addition to a healthy body is very importante for healthy hair of any length. If you swear, “scalp acne” rapidly thinning hair, or something, get it checked by a doctor, do your due diligence and research, and start fixing your scalp.

ARGANRain Anti Hair Loss Shampoo 57


Shampoo less. You really do not need to shampoo every day. Nope, not even if you work out. A good scalp massage and rinse in warm water goes a long way. Try to stretch the time between your shampoos as long as you can. Your hair is generally not dirty unless you do not regularly wash your hair to touch your hands. The more you shampoo, the more friction you get her, and the more damage you’ll see. With that said, teach yourself to be too soft. That means no scrubbing hair back and forth between your hands. Use gentle products with a soft touch and rinse well. All you should need to shampoo your scalp and use less shampoo you already have-a dime size amount or less, but go ahead and squish the suds down the rest of your hair if you feel it necessary has.


Harsh Chemicals

Your hair has a better chance to find thick, healthy and shiny when you completely forget the chemicals. If you can not do your bleached blonde tresses that are bright blue, do yourself a favor and find a professional who specializes in long hair or at least a really good color technician. They will be the gentlest way to get the look you are going to know to achieve. If you can not find it, try to keep hair healthy with ArganRain Products. And make sure you regularly use ArganRain Argan Oil, along with ArganRain Sulfate Free Shampoo.


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We are looking for distributors worldwide who wish to grow their business with us. We can cooperate with you if you are interested.

There are two special products of ArganRain; Pure Argan Oil and High Quality Hair Care Shampoo. 

We have 2 options for you:

1- Wholesale: You can purchase ARGANRain products with a wholesale price.

2- Retail Sale: You can purchase ARGANRain products with discount price. It is possible to order the amount you like, whenever you need in.

If you are interested in becoming a distrubutor of our products  please send an e-mail to:


Telephone: +90 224 452 40 30
GSM: +90 553 273 26 77


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ARGANRAIN Website Is Renewed!

Have you seen the new design of ArganRain website?

Check this out:


ArganRain Shampoo and Pure Argan Oil ready for you!


You can have more info about Argan Oil at our website!


You can chat with us on the website and learn anything about ArganRain products now!


Have more details about the usage of ArganRain Argan Oil!

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Probiotics For Healthy Hair And Skin


Today most people have within ecosystems against environmental toxins, processed foods, medicines and damaged a stressful lifestyle. We do not notice it as much as we are young, because we tend to bounce back faster. However, as we age, we begin to problems in our health, skin, weight or muscles that we wish we could turn back the clock marks.

Adding healthy bacteria or probiotics in your diet is the key to stay young. Probiotics help immune cells fight preventable disease, diarrhea and constipation, protecting the mucous lining of the intestine to help digestion and nutrient for building blood. They also produce B vitamins and vitamin K right down in your intestines, where they are absorbed immediately. They are the most efficient way to obtain vitamin B-12.


We’re sure you either have tried or know about the most popular DIY facial – honey, yogurt and oatmeal mask. It is good because of the honey and oatmeal – but mainly because of the probiotic yogurt empire. Literally putting microbes on your skin to bring her microbiome balance is a great way to maintain and generate healthy skin. If you seriously look and feel you are best, then it’s time to add to beneficial probiotics to your diet.


Choosing natural and adding herbal products to your life can give you more healthier and shinier look. You can support this look with ArganRain’s natural products!


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Which Brand of Argan Oil?


Argan oil is known as one of the rarest are therefore most expensive oil in the world. Pure, original argan oil is difficult to obtain and time-consuming production, therebye the price high. Not all Argan oil market is real and pure as many so-called producer can dilute, just to make it cheaper.

But it is worthwhile to spend some extra money to buy 100% pure oil, rather than paying less for something you might be found in your kitchen cabinet.

Unfortunately, there are many brands are not worth your money. How to avoid fake argan oil and verify the authentic? And how to choose a brand worth investing?


Ingredients List

Look for cosmetics that only one ingredient: 100% Argan Oil Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil. No preservatives, no fragrance, no Parrafin, not even water.


Do not buy argan oil sold in clear bottles. Light breaks best qualities of the oil.

Argan oil is very difficult to make. The price of the product is also determined by the concentration of the arc on the product. Check ingredients carefully, you do not have to pay for a product that has a low concentration of argan oil. But as I already use the best is named for pure argan oil with no added chemicals and parabens.



Argan oil has a nutty flavor. The smell disappears after a few minutes in contact with the skin, where as Argan oil absorbs quickly. You should strongly scented oil that is odorless preventable. Anyway, it is very suspicious.

Cosmetic argan oil has bright golden yellow color. If the color is too light, the most likely is that it was mixed with other oils. Pure argan oil from Morocco has a golden yellow color.


Make sure your oil is labeled as 100% pure, cold pressed  and Made in Morocco. And it must have at least Ecocert certificate.

ARGANRain Anti Hair Loss Shampoo 200

100 Pure, Cold Pressed, Certified  and Best Quality Argan Oil



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Best Solution For Dull Hair

Hair-breakageThe first way to stop dull hair is  vinegar. Any form of vinegar can be used, each vinegar brings a different effect depending on the type of hair color. For example, apple cider vinegar brings auburn colors, red wine vinegar brings natural brunette highlights, and white vinegar brings highlights to blondes.

Use it after shampoo and rinse. The best frequency too boring and fat dissolving hair is 2-3 times per week.

The apple cider vinegar will shut down the dullness of your hair and your hair soft and shiny and bring its natural highlights. The advantage of this is that each color will not strip your hair dyed.ARGANRain Anti Hair Loss Shampoo 200The best solution to get your scalp to a balance and nourish is  ArganRain  Argan oil. Before you shampoo, just give yourself a nice scalp massage with this oil. Oil-Hair-Effectively-Before-Washing-Step-9The best frequency for washing your hair once a day, but cut down on conditioning its commercial products as the conditioner only helps you quickly become greasy hair. Stop washing your hair with shampoos that many chemicals that cause you contain greasy hair and dull. Even washing your hair too much can lead to produce more oil. By just cutting off the frequency of washes will oily hair to leave problems.


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Essential Beauty Tips For Pregnant Women

pregnant-womanThe skin is our largest organ, and the ingredients that we can be included in our hair, skin and nails into the bloodstream and potentially harmful to the developing baby. Here are effective suggestions to help you enjoy your beauty during your special phase of life:
During pregnancy you should consume plenty of water during a day. It will help in filtering and washing out all the toxins from your body. Further, water helps to maintain the proper amount of amniotic fluid body. If you have not already added this essential tip, it adds up fast, because this is good for you and your baby’s healthPHG100_loading-paint-week-37_FSPrevent Stretch Marks
Most new mums complain about stretch marks after pregnancy. You might want to worry about this issue with regard to during your tenure. You can use ArganRain Argan Oil to prevent stretch mark. Use it on a daily basis and massage your abdomen.

Fatigue is one of the symptoms that mothers experience leading, especially during the first trimester. Adequate rest is very important, because that’s when your body and mind rejuvenate. Make sure you get enough sleep to catch your body feel less tired. Make yourself comfortable when you go to sleep. Keep your posture straight. You might want a maternity pillow or something equally comfortable while you use sleeping.ARGANRain Anti Hair Loss Shampoo 200Skin Care

With all the hoopla during pregnancy, do not forget your skin. Beauty care during pregnancy includes skin care regimens, preferably plant-based or herbal tea after regular intervals. As a result of changes in the hormones, there may be certain small skin lesions. You can use skin care products based on your skin type, but make sure the ingredients are not a list of harmful chemicals. ArganRain Argan Oil is 100% pure cold pressed Argan oil can be a harmless choice for your body and face also.

Last but the most important point to remember is to relax! Among more breaks in your schedule. Lie down for a while if you get the chance. Relax your body. Pregnancy can be very stressful, but make sure you do not let it touch you. The more relaxed you are, the better you look!
