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argan oil benefits

The Most Known 19 Uses of Argan Oil

Here we will see how to use Moroccan ARGANRain Argan oil and how to benefit from all its beneficial properties.

Pure ARGANRain oil used internally has been shown to fight hair loss,baldness(Arganrain argan oil delays baldness both in men and women), When applied externally, Arganrain argan oil cures everything from scars to infections of split ends to stretch marks.

  1. Treat wrinkles

Arganrain argan oil is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants that help fight against wrinkles and other changes in the skin.

  1. For brighter skin

Mix the Arganrain argan oil with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of rose water to create a perfect 30-minute mask.

  1. Fight against oily skin

Apply Arganrain argan oil on the face – it acts as a regulator of sebum production, reducing skin production of natural oils.

  1. Combat dry skin

If you have dry skin, Arganrain argan oil treatment will help achieve a balance in moisture thanks to its rich in fatty acids content.

  1. Fight against dandruff

If you suffer from dandruff, apply argan oil to your hair and massage your scalp, wrap your hair in a warm towel and leave on for 20 minutes before washing as usual. Then you can appreciate the difference: the oil will calm, hydrate and nourish the scalp.

  1. Avoid hair loss

Following the same process as if it were dandruff, Arganrain argan oil for hair care will strengthen the hair. Just remember that the oil is distributed evenly throughout the scalp.

  1. Improve your products

You can even use Arganrain Moroccan Argan oil shampoo oil to improve your hair care and stop your hair loss.Just add a few drops Arganrain argan oil to your usual products for an ultra-moisturizing experience.

  1. Repair damaged skin

Cracked skin on the feet can be unsightly. Nurt the cracked heels with Arganrain argan oil and then cover your feet with socks. This performs a deep hydration that penetrates the skin cells.

  1. Soften your hands

Massage your hands with Arganrain argan oil every night to rehydrate and strengthen, saving the nails from frailty and cracking.


10.Eradicate stretch marks

Arganrain argan oil Reduces the visibility of stretch marks by massaging your belly, chest, hips and thighs with argan oil.


  1. Treat skin conditions

Eczema and psoriasis can be alleviated thanks to Argan oil’s soothing power.


  1. Moisturize your skin

If you are prone to dry skin, you can be sure that through the application of Arganrain argan oil in the affected area, you can enjoy a smooth and hydrated skin.


  1. Calm sunburn

Sunburn can be painful, but Arganrain argan oil can heal and soothe those hot spots with a touch of argan oil.

arganrain nail care

  1. Treat bites and stings

Attenuates redness and soothes the bites of insect bites by applying Arganrain argan oil

  1. Fight against infection

Arganrain argan oil is also known for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, providing a natural and organic care for your skin.


  1. Help your joints

Relieves arthritis and rheumatic problems by massaging your body daily with Arganrain argan oil. This helps reduce pain and helps improve your quality of life.


  1. Fight the effects of the sun

Prolonged exposure to the sun can produce scaly skin. The application of Arganrain argan oil helps to make these areas disappear.


  1. Rinse the skin

If you are prone to acne, Arganrain argan oil can regulate your fat production. Moisturizes your face without turning it fat, and also softens the touch of the skin.

19.Soothing effect

Relax in a hot bath with argan oil. Add a few drops to the bath water and enjoy the natural goodness.


Where Can You Buy ARGANRain Argan Oil?

arganrain argan oil

ARGANRain Argan oil treatment for your hair and skin is the right product. Because Arganrain oil contains 100%pure and organicArgan oil from Morocco. We do not add esential oils in the Argan oil. So our Arganrain argan oil is the best option is to buy only 100% pure organic argan oil from

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Make Your Hair Grow Faster

woman with fruits rejecting junk food
Healthy Diet

A vitamin-rich diet is probably the best way to get a healthy head of hair, because it promotes the rate of hair growth. Fruits, vegetables and iron-containing foods should be on your shopping list if you want healthy hair.

Brushing Hair

Brushing of the hair (before and after washing) stimulates blood flow to the scalp and divides the nutrients into the hair more evenly. Not brush it when your hair is wet though.


Argan Oil

By massaging of the scalp with the right natural oils, plant extracts, vitamins and minerals can increase of the scalp, blood circulation and promoting hair growth. ARGANRain Argan Oil can be the best natural and nourishing supporter for you.


Avoid Stress

The rumor that the hair falls out from stress is true, so stay casual and cool and try to avoid stress to prevent hair loss!


Use natural hair growth supplements if you can not cover nutritious normal diet. Vitamin A, C, H, and all B vitamins and copper, zinc, keratin (protein), silica and iron aid the search for healthier and longer hair.


Vitamin A is responsible for the growth of the hair and gives luster and flexibility.
Vitamin B2 is beneficial to the overall health of the hair.
Vitamin B5 and B7 help prevent dehydration, reduce hair loss and body and give suppleness to your hair.
Vitamin E stimulates the blood circulation in the scalp, which works wonders for hair growth.


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Dealing With Hair Loss During Pregnancy


There are some things you can do to reduce the hair loss and maintain healthier hair during pregnancy. Try these simple solutions at home and see the difference:

Oil Massage: Massaging the scalp with lukewarm oil is thought to help control hair fall naturally. Coconut, jojoba, almond, olive oil and argan oils are believed to be the best for feeding the scalp with a massage.

Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe vera extracts help in dealing with most skin conditions. The gel, when applied to the scalp can be helpful to stop hair loss occurs due to drought and infection of the scalp.


Natural: Use of natural and organic products is one of the best steps to reduce hair loss caused by skin infections and allergic reactions of the scalp. Natural products are safe for people with sensitive skin. Try changing your hair products Argan Rain during pregnancy.

Fresh Coconut Milk: Rub half a cup of fresh coconut milk on the scalp with your fingertip. Leave it for 20 to 30 minutes, and rinse with the help of a good herbal shampoo. Consider using fresh milk, not the canned variety.

Lemon: Beat an egg and mix it with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply it on the scalp and simmer for about 30 minutes. Wash it. This helps not only prevent hair fall but also makes the hair thicker and softer.


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Tips To Stay Young!


In your 20s, your beauty routine matters  but there is room for error (a comforting fact for those of us who still sleep with our makeup sometimes). However, once you hit 30, it’s time to make some major changes in your day-to-day regimen, especially when it comes to preventive care. To find out what changes need to happen, the following tips:


You have always heard it is important to clean your face in the morning and never go to bed with makeup on, but it is even more important in the 30s then slows cell renewal. If you are younger, made new skin cells and slowly work their way to the surface over a 28-to-30-day period. As we age, this period becomes longer, causing the dead skin cells clog your pores and make your skin appear dull.

To combat this, look for a foaming cleanser or lotion-based cleaners that also moisturizing and rich for younger skin. You do not need to waste your money on cleaning products that claim all kinds of fancy actives. A cleaner is rinsed quickly, so you can not really pick one of these alleged extra benefits.gorsel_buyuk_


Regardless of your skin type, you need to moisturize your skin. For those with oily skin, try ArganRain Argan Oil, which provide the benefits of hydration without the heavy feeling associated with traditional creams. You can get a product with hyaluronic acid, which is found most hydrating ingredients available today-pulls up to a thousand times its weight in moisture from the air and bind it to the lower layers of the skin.


Collagen plays a key role in strengthening our skin, but, after the age of 25, the amount of collagen by our body drops more per year. Do not turn to products that claim to (the collagen molecule containing collagen is too large to be absorbed and utilized by our skin. The trick is to ingredients that can get your skin in order to increase the production of collagen, such as use of L-ascorbic acid acid that is to say, the purest form of vitamin C.

Sun Protection

The sun triggers production of melanin, which gives uneven skin tone and age spots, and, as a result, the speed up of the signs of aging. While many makeup products naturally have physical sun blockers such as titanium dioxide and mica, you should still use sunscreen under your foundation, preferably with zinc. Always use an SPF of 30, but do not waste your money on those claiming SPF 50 and higher research has shown that they do not offer much more protection.


Eye Care

Your eyes do not yet show signs of aging, but that does not mean you can skip taking care of them. Start using an eye gel or light gel-cream that will focus on puffiness, dark circles and hydrate the delicate skin around the eyes. Yet not directly to the heavier creams because it will increase the skin around the eyes. stay focused on the key ingredients you need to protect your youthful appearance and future damage as Argireline and hyaluronic acid to prevent too well moisturize the skin around your eyes.


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Christmas Campaign!


For purchases $ 100 and more, you will have 1 more “FREE” product !

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Promo Code For 50ml ARGANRain Argan Oil: RC16OILW

Promo Code For 300ml ARGANRain Shampoo: RC16SHAW

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Argan Rain Argan Oil Treatment For Stretch Marks

young pregnant woman sitting on the window

Stretch marks can suddenly happen on body undergoes the changes of life, and it can range from very mild pale pink lines to the deeper noticeable on the skin.

Anyone could stretch marks men and women in different parts of their body, the most common being the abdomen, thighs, hips, breasts, upper arms, and lower back.

As you stretch marks  appear after pregnancy, you can prevent by gently applying pure Argan Rain Argan Oil for stretch marks twice a day. It will heal, soothe and clarify the skin and the most importante thing is argan oil safe during pregnancy.


if you have no stretch marks, just add hot Pure Argan oil in those marks before bed, rub the affected area to make sure the skin to absorb the oil, be sure to exfoliate.

Use lukewarm water to your affected area to flush the morning.yo can use this simple remedy for a few weeks you will notice a big difference with a good glow notice on your skin.

It is better to use argan oil after a shower, when your skin is clean and more capable of absorbing argan oil. The best parts of the oil will be absorbed completely.


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Pro Tips From Argan Rain


Do you want  long, gorgeous locks? These tips really work, so try and watch grow in your hair!

Wash your hair less

Rather, would be my biggest mistake along with the misconception that you need to wash hair every day. Actually, the exact opposite; The more you suds, the more you strip your hair of essential oils it needs to stay healthy and hydrated. Only wash your hair 2-3 times a week, and not feel weird about-you’re doing your hair a big favor! Remember, less is more.


Brush your hair every day

Daily brushing helps remove dust, dirt and loose scales, as well as stimulates blood flow and distributes sebum (oily substance that lubricates and protects the skin) along the hair shaft. You need brushing once in the morning and once before bedtime. But not of a brush to be used on wet hair-in instead make use of a wide-toothed comb and start at the ends, to work on the roots gently.

What you eat and drink business

Superfoods for hair drink lots of water, eat lots of lean protein, especially salmon (rich in omega-3 and vitamin D), walnuts (vitamin E), eggs (Iron helps carry oxygen to hair follicles) and spinach (iron , beta carotene and folic acid). Honorable mentions: sweet potatoes, blueberries, and yogurt.


Use Argan Rain Oil treatment once a week

Argan Rain Argan oil treatment to your hair is like heaven. Read all about this pre-wash treatment at: and how it can transform her seriously.

Stimulate your scalp

Never underestimate the power of a scalp massage. Scalp stimulation encourages spend the hair growth nutrients to the hair follicles (which hair grows). You can stimulate your scalp by every time you wash your hair every night before going to bed massage your scalp, or by brushing. Do it at least once or twice per day.


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How To Remove Chlorine Damage


Apart from damage caused by the sun, chlorine loss is also one of the most common hair problems.. In order to reduce the growth of micro-organisms, such as viruses and bacteria, chlorine is added to water, which makes hot tubs and swimming pools safe for the public. Yet it is not only kill germs but also damage your hair.

A chemical reaction occurs when chlorine makes contact with organic substances. Since it is organic material, the minute your head immersed in a pool, the process of hair loss begins.article20141133214231251792000

The cuticle acts as a shield that protects the inner layer, or cortex of hair. On the other hand, the cuticle is protected by a natural lubricant sebum. When you hit the pool, the chlorine will suck the sebum from your hair, the cuticle can burst. This damage makes your hair look dull. It also weakens the hair structure.

Although chlorine is terrible for hair, but that does not mean you can not go to the pool. There remain a few simple ways to prevent chlorine from damaging your beautiful locks. The easiest way is to wear a swimming cap. Moreover, rinse your hair under the tap water to saturate your hair before entering the pool. Another good pre – pool option is a leave – in conditioner. In this way, it is more difficult to remove chlorine to the hair. It is important to do weekly hair mask, which may help close the cuticle and repairing the damage. Actually, this is also one of the most common hair problems and issues that many people in the world to see under the eyes day and want to get rid at all costs.

ARGANRain Anti Hair Loss Shampoo 200

Argan Rain Argan Oil helps to maintain the pH balance of the skin. Thus it protects the scalp from the harmful effects of  chlorine damage. Just apply a few drops to the roots and tips, before shampooing and wait 10-15 minutes then wash!


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Feed Your Hair!



Nutritional imbalances are often the cause of hair loss. Poor nutrition can lead to macronutrients protein, fat, carbohydrates and micronutrients vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can create unhealthy body turn and lead to hair loss. To support the health of your hair and your overall well-being, add some or all of the following foods to your diet.
Eating colorful fruits and vegetables such as carrots, peppers and watermelon, which are packed with vitamin A and beta-carotene. Some studies suggest that vitamin A stimulates the hair growth and health of cells, such as hair follicles.

Promote healthy hair by eating fatty fish such as salmon and sardines are packed with omega-3 fatty acids.

Eat yogurt and other vitamin B5 rich foods that blood flow can be up to your scalp and promote as a result its growth.


Make a salad with spinach is packed with vitamin A, iron, folic acid and vitamin C. This vitamin and mineral cocktail helps support healthy scalp and hair.
Make sure you get enough protein by eating lean meats (such as chicken or turkey), low-fat dairy, and protein-rich vegetables (such as beans). Hair is made of a keratin protein molecule and therefore, good protein requirement is necessary to feed it.

Eat foods that vitamin B7 also known as biotin, which can help promote hair growth contain. Eat foods including eggs, fortified cereals, milk and chicken.

Eat zinc-rich foods such as oysters, lobster and fortified cereals. Zinc deficiency can cause hair loss which is why you should make sure that you get enough of these minerals in your daily diet.


Going natural is the best solution for hair problems, since ARGANRain doesn’t have any side effects and its results are long lasting.


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We are looking for distributors worldwide who wish to grow their business with us. We can cooperate with you if you are interested.

There are two special products of ArganRain; Pure Argan Oil and High Quality Hair Care Shampoo. 

We have 2 options for you:

1- Wholesale: You can purchase ARGANRain products with a wholesale price.

2- Retail Sale: You can purchase ARGANRain products with discount price. It is possible to order the amount you like, whenever you need in.

If you are interested in becoming a distrubutor of our products  please send an e-mail to:


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