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Basic Skin Care Needs


Beginning in mids of 20s, our advanced needs steadily increase. Although the skin has 10 essential needs to maintain optimum shape, the basic, daily needs 4 regimen steps creates the foundation of the daily skin care.


This step help the basic needs free of excess oil, dirt and pollutants from the skin. If these contaminants cannot be removed, you can have dry, sallow skin; clogged, inflamed pores which can cause discolor and scar; or free radical oxidation that can damage cells and affect the cell renewal, irritate the skin and trigger hyperpigmentation. In order to avoid these negative effects, cleaning must be carried out two times per day.



Toning fulfills a basic daily need of preparing the skin to receive the benefits of other products and must be carried out twice daily, after cleansing. Toning work in different ways. It soothes and softens the skin; Toning also minimizes the appearance of pores and balances the pH of the skin.


The protectors step to protect meets the basic needs of the skin for a morning moisturizer with SPF against harmful UV rays and environmental influences. Sun damage degrades the moisture barrier and structural proteins and promotes discoloration all signs of premature aging.



Hydrating step provides vital lipids, replenishing moisture, and major repair parts for optimal nighttime recovery. Nighttime hydration once daily to be applied in the evening. ARGANRain Argan Oil is a great ally to keep your skin soft and naturally moist. Try 100% Pure ArganRain Argan Oil and improve skin elasticity, texture, brightness, fine lines and wrinkles.


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Winter Skin Solutions


Moisten More

You may have found a moisturizer that works just fine in spring and summer. But if the weather conditions change, so, too, should your skin care routine. Find an “ointment” moisturizer that’s oil-based, rather than water-based, because the oil has a protective layer on the skin that will create more moisture than a cream or lotion reserves.

But choose your oils with care because not all oils are suitable for the face. Instead, look for nonclogging oils such as Argan Rain Argan Oil, mineral oil, evening primrose oil, or almond oil. Shea oil is controversial because it can clog facial pores.



Sunscreen is not just for the summer. Winter sun can still damage your skin. Try applying sunscreen to your face and your hands about half an hour before going out. Again far too often apply if you stay outside for a long time.

Hook Up The Humidifier

Central heating systems (as well as space heaters) blast hot dry air in our homes and offices. Humidifiers get more moisture in the air, which helps prevent your skin from drying out. Place several small humidifiers throughout your home; they help disperse the moisture more evenly.

Lubricate Your Feet

Yes, those minty foot lotions are lovely in the hot summer months, but in winter, your feet need stronger stuff. Try finding lotions that glycerine or petroleum jelly in place thereof. And use exfoliants to get the dead skin on a regular basis; that helps any moisturizers you use to sink in faster and deeper.



If your facial skin is dry, then you should avoid doing harsh peeling and using alcohol-based toners or astringents, all of which can strip vital oil on the surface of the skin. Instead, the finding of a cleansing milk or mild foaming cleanser, a toner without alcohol, and masks that are “deep moisturizing,” rather than on the basis of clay, which is the tendency to attract moisture from the face. And use them a little less often.


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We are looking for distributors worldwide who wish to grow their business with us. We can cooperate with you if you are interested.

There are two special products of ArganRain; Pure Argan Oil and High Quality Hair Care Shampoo. 

We have 2 options for you:

1- Wholesale: You can purchase ARGANRain products with a wholesale price.

2- Retail Sale: You can purchase ARGANRain products with discount price. It is possible to order the amount you like, whenever you need in.

If you are interested in becoming a distrubutor of our products  please send an e-mail to:


Telephone: +90 224 452 40 30
GSM: +90 553 273 26 77


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Skin Care Strategy For Your 30s


Attention now needs to be on preventing fine lines and discoloration due to sun damage, and treat adult acne, a condition that affects 45 percent of 35-somethings. Even if you do not suffer from adult acne, you will benefit from deep-cleaning products, because your skin is probably fatter than your mother at this age. Normally used for the most rare skin type of women in their 30s, but now it’s combination skin. This increase in sebum production may be due to the same factors which may cause the peak in the adult acne namely, stress, hormonal imbalances, and the increasing pollution of attacks.

Gentle Cleanser

Opting for a little more than a mild medicinal at this age in order to prevent the disturbance of the skin barrier. Most dermatologists say you can use the same cleanser morning and evening. And if you’re just too tired, wipe your face with a cleaning cloth to keep the pores clear.


Antioxidant Serum

Anti-oxidants, such as vitamin C, and help in the fight against the free radicals which accelerate wrinkles. They can also reduce inflammation, reduce breakout-related redness.

Sun Protect

Besides the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, with an SPF of at least 30 day pimple scars deter embezzlement, a common problem for people with deeper skin tones.
Exfoliating Treatment

A retinoid product or, if you can not take the sting, with a glycolic acid is the best way to address acne while staving off lines.

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ArganRain Argan Oil

Even for those who do not have scars or wrinkles, Argan oil can  make your skin soft and spotless. Saponins in Argan Oil to reactivate regeneration ability of the skin cells, keeping your largest and most important body organ healthy and strong.


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The Basics Of Acne Prone Skin Care


If you have sensitive or acne-prone skin, it is used very beneficial argan oil as part of your face routine and as a treatment for your acne or acne scars.

Despite the fact that the strange to tell to add oil to your acne prone skin may seem, it is proven to work wonders. Maybe you’ve tried just about everything on the market to try and get your complexion to the place where you worked and want nothing. Truth be told, most acne products on the market today are full of all kinds of nasty chemicals, including those known to cause cancer.

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If you want to use something right, you can try ArganRain Argan Oil.

Here’s a great routine improve the look of your complexion:

1. Clean your face with a cleanser. Use nothing to clarify that will strip the face of its natural oils. Doing so only tells your skin to produce more oil and this is what you want to avoid.

2. Pat your face dry with a clean terry cloth towel. You want to leave your face ever so slightly damp.


3. Take a few drops of ArganRain argan oil and gently apply on the face and neck in circular motion. Use moderate pressure and massage all areas showing acne, scars, wrinkles and fine lines.

4. Allow to absorb the oil in the skin. If you do this routine in the evening, argan oil will not stain your pillow. Reapply argan oil in the morning. If you are applying makeup, just wait 2-3 minutes to absorb the oil.


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ArganRain Argan Oil For Eczema

hangi-maske-neye-iyi-gelir-4Eczema can take many forms and is caused by several factors. In general, eczema is divided into two groups: Eczema internally generated and externally generated eczema.

Externally Generated Eczema: This type of eczema is triggered when your skin gets in direct contact with a substance that causes a reaction of the skin. The outbreak eczema or a rash which only on the surface of the skin.

feels-like-a-spaInternally Generated Eczema: This type of eczema occurs when a person’s immune system reacts to certain entities which cause a skin reaction at the cellular level. Internally generated eczema is usually carried out at the same time as a result of two internal triggers. For example, hormonal imbalance combined with an allergen.

In the treatment of eczema, the purpose is to prevent itching, inflammation and general deterioration of the skin condition. It is best to consult a dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment of this skin condition. There are prescribed drugs and creams in order to alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms of eczema.ARGANRain Anti Hair Loss Shampoo 200ArganRain Argan Oil is known to be very effective in reducing red rashes and itching on the skin. The oil can minimize flare-ups and is also a great natural remedy. Since moisturize the skin is essential for the treatment of eczema and many other skin, argan oil can be a great ally in the fight against eczema.


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Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Acne

Acne and pimples are two of life’s most annoying and common skin curses. Most of us have been in a situation where an ugly red spot has appeared the day before an important event or date. The question is: Can you do something about it, without enjoying expensive medication .You can try some of these simple and natural home remedies to fight those nasty pimples.

Beautiful young woman holding plant growing up through stones

Besides being delicious, honey is a natural antibiotic that makes it perfect for healing and reducing pimples. As an added bonus helps its stickiness to remove excess dirt and impurities from your skin. You can use honey by making a simple mask. To do this, mix two tablespoons of golden elixir with a teaspoon of cinnamon and apply it to your face. Allow to set the mixture for about ten minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

Steam may be useful for the treatment of acne, because it helps the opening of the pores, so that they can not be clogged. Steam also moisturizes and detoxifies the skin.

Acne facial care teenager woman squeezing pimple

Garlic is great for fighting acne because of the high levels of antioxidants, as well as the “anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. There are two ways you can use garlic to clear up acne. The first is a preventive measure, by adding more garlic to your diet easily. This helps your overall health and purifies the blood, which can help to stop future breakouts. For more immediate results, take a peeled clove garlic and rub it on the difficult area several times a day. If your skin is sensitive, try breaking the garlic and mix with water.

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ArganRain Argan Oil help you to heal acne with its antimicrobial properties 


2 Yorum

Causes Of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are narrow strips or lines that occur on the surface of the skin.
The belly (abdomen), buttocks, breasts and thighs, the areas of the body most commonly affected.

What are the causes of stretch marks?

Stretch marks are the result of skin stretching. The middle class of the skin breaks in places, so that the lower layers to show through.

The dermis can be stretched:
• During pregnancy.
• As a result of weight gain.
• Due to the growth in puberty relapses.

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Who gets stretch marks?

Stretch marks are very common. Anyone can get it, but they tend to be affected more women than men.About 8 out of 10 women get stretch marks during pregnancy. About 7 out of 10 girls and 4 boys of 10 they get during puberty.


Preventing stretch marks

In certain situations, for example during pregnancy, it is not possible to prevent stretch marks.
However, a healthy weight maintenance and care of your skin to reduce the risk to them.

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Add ArganRain Argan Oil to your skin care routine to prevent stretch marks.


8 Yorum

Food Diet for Acne

1. Fruits and vegetables:
Fresh fruits and vegetables contain many important compounds such as antioxidants, which can give you a clear skin. Consume fruits and vegetables in the daily diet that contain vitamins A, C and E. These nutrients are also to keep your skin glowing and clear.

2. Selenium:
Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that protects your cells against inflammatory damage and protecting skin elasticity, to cure acne. Selenium works well with vitamin E and A, which can be found in Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds and red peppers. Other foods that are a rich source of selenium fish, poultry, onions, garlic, meat and whole grains. Dietary selenium can be obtained from nuts, grains, which helps make your skin soft and supple.

3. Omega-3 fatty acids:
Oysters, beans, poultry, salmon, flaxseed, sardines and mackerel are rich source of zinc and omega-3 fatty acid. These foods help heal breakouts and activates vitamin A for healthy looking skin. Omega-3 fatty acid is useful to keep inflammation in check and control acne. This is also useful to give you a flawless skin.

4. Olive oil:
Olive Oil is easily absorbed into the skin. This oil is does not clog the skin pores and allows them to breathe. Therefore, it is useful to prevent acne breakouts.

5. Argan Oil:

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With its effective vitamin e and omega 3 fatty acid compounds, it is proven treatment for acne. It is advised to apply on the clean face with a cotton swab. The healing properties is also effective  in old acne scars. Try ArganRain Argan Oil!


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زيت الارجان للبشرة

الأحماضالدهنيةغيرالمشبعةوفيتامين E الموجودة في الزيت لديهاصفاتمضادةللأكسدةممتازة. هذهالموادتعززالأوكسجينداخلالخلاياومنع الآثارالضارة . بهذهالطريقةيوفرزيت الارجان حمايةللبشرةويعيدالمغذياتالحيويةداخلخلاياالجلد

زيت الارجان يعمل على ترطيب الجلد في الحقيقة اذا ما قارنا عمله  بالزيوت الاخرى كزيت الزيتون او زبدة الشيا ، هذا لانها لا تحتوي على الكليسترول ، ويحتوى على الاحماض الامنية المسئولة عن تحسين لون الجلد .


اصحاب البشرة الدهنية والذين ينزعجون من الدهون المفرطة والناتجة عن الزيوت ، هذا الزيت قادر على الشيطرة على الغدد الدهنية والتحكم في عملها .

هذاالزيتلهخصائصمدهشة مضادةللميكروباتالتيتمكنهمنمحاربةالالتهاباتالجلديةمثلحبالشباب. كما انها تمنعالتهابالجلدوتهيجهإلىحدكبير.ويستخدمشعبيالعلاجاضطراباتالجلدمثلالاكزيماالمختلفة،والصدفية،الخ

يساعدزيتالأرجانللحفاظعلىتوازندرجةالحموضةفيالجلد. وبالتاليفإنهيحميالجلدمنالآثارالضارةالناجمةعنالتعرضلأشعةالشمسوالتلوثوالإجهادالعقلي،والتدخين،الخ (1).jpg

يمكنهالحدمنظهورالعلاماتوالندوب القبيحة التيتخلفهاحبالشباب،وجدريالماء،وحتىندوبإصاباتالجلدالناجمعنالحروق.

خلالفترةالحمل،تظهرعلاماتالتمددعلىالبطنمثلالجلدهوفوقطاقتها. النساءالحوامليمكناستخدامهابأمانمنتجاتزيتأرغانعلىالبطنلتحسينحالةالجلدومنععلاماتالتمددعلىذلك.

هؤلاءالنساءالذينيستخدمونفيالغالبماكياجالمعدنيةتميلإلىالحصولعلىبشرةجافةبعدمروربعضالوقت. ويمكنتجنبهذهالمشكلةمعالاستخدامالمنتظملزيتأرجان. كلماعليكالقيامبههوتطبيقواحدأواثنينمنقطراتمنهذاالزيتعلىالجلدفيالوجه،وذلكقبلتطبيقماكياج 5 دقائق. هذاوسوفتبقيالجلدرطبومنعجفافالجلد.

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ويمكنأيضاأنتستخدمزيتأرجانللعنايةبالشعروالعنايةبالأظافر. عندمايطبقعلىجلدفروةالرأس،فإنهيزيلقشرةالرأسويمنعتساقطالشعر. يمكنكالتخلصمنمشاكلالأظافرالهشةمعمساعدةمنهذاالزيت،كماأنلديهاتأثيرعلىتقويةالأظافر.